apigentools CLI Reference

Containerized Version

The apigentools PyPI package ships with two scripts: apigentools and container-apigentools. The containerized version executes all commands in a container created from given image. Additionally, all APIGENTOOLS_* environment variables from current environment are passed inside the container. Basic usage:

container-apigentools [--spec-repo-volume SPEC_REPO_VOLUME] [APIGENTOOLS_ARG ...]

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
--spec-repo-volume SPEC_REPO_VOLUME Path to directory with the spec repo. .
Positional Argument Description Environment Variable Default
APIGENTOOLS_ARGS Arguments to pass to apigentools running inside container. Refer to the below [apigentools][#non-containerized-version] section for information about argument behavior.

The container image to use is determined from these sources:

Note that if APIGENTOOLS_ARGS is not provided, a full automated workflow is run.

Non-containerized Version

Basic usage:


Many arguments take values from environment variables and coded-in defaults. In this case, the actual value is obtained like this:

Throughout this document, arguments with this behavior have a value both in their "Environment Variable" column as well as in their "Default" column.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-av API_VERSIONS, --api-versions API_VERSIONS The API version to run the specified action against. These must match what the config in the spec repo contains. Example: apigentools -av v1 -av v2 test APIGENTOOLS_API_VERSION None to run against all
-c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir CONFIG_DIR Path to config directory. APIGENTOOLS_CONFIG_DIR config
-g GENERATED_CODE_DIR, --generated-code-dir GENERATED_CODE_DIR Path to directory where generated source code is saved. APIGENTOOLS_GENERATED_CODE_DIR generated
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-l LANGUAGES, --languages LANGUAGES Languages to run the specified action against. These must match what the config in the spec repo contains. Example: apigentools -l go -l java test APIGENTOOLS_LANG None to run against all
-r SPEC_REPO_DIR, --spec-repo-dir SPEC_REPO_DIR Switch to this directory before doing anything else. APIGENTOOLS_SPEC_REPO_DIR .
--git-via-https Whether to use HTTPS (or SSH) for git actions. APIGENTOOLS_GIT_VIA_HTTPS false
--git-via-https-installation-access-token Use installation access token (authenticating a Github app) for git actions. Mutually exclusive with --git-via-https-oauth-token. APIGENTOOLS_GIT_VIA_HTTPS_INSTALLATION_ACCESS_TOKEN
--git-via-https-oauth-token Use OAuth over HTTPS, passing this token for git actions. Mutually exclusive with --git-via-https-installation-access-token. APIGENTOOLS_GIT_VIA_HTTPS_OAUTH_TOKEN
-v, --verbose Log generation in verbose mode.

apigentools generate

Generates client code. When specified with the --clone-repo flag, the generated-code-dir for that client must be empty.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
--additional-stamp [ADDITIONAL_STAMP [ADDITIONAL_STAMP ...]] Additional components to add to the apigentoolsStamp variable passed to templates. APIGENTOOLS_ADDITIONAL_STAMP []
--builtin-templates Use unpatched upstream templates. false
-d DOWNSTREAM_TEMPLATES_DIR, --downstream-templates-dir DOWNSTREAM_TEMPLATES_DIR Path to directory with downstream templates. APIGENTOOLS_DOWNSTREAM_TEMPLATES_DIR downstream-templates
--branch When specified, changes the client repository branch before running code generation. APIGENTOOLS_PULL_REPO_BRANCH None
--is-ancestor Checks that the --branch is ancestor of specified branch. Useful to enforce in CI that the feature branch is on top of master branch: '-branch feature --is-ancestor master'. APIGENTOOLS_IS_ANCESTOR None
-f FULL_SPEC_FILE, --full-spec-file FULL_SPEC_FILE Name of the OpenAPI full spec file to write. Note that if some languages override config's spec_sections, additional files will be generated with name pattern full_spec.<lang>.yaml. APIGENTOOLS_FULL_SPEC_FILE full_spec.yaml
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-i GENERATED_WITH_IMAGE, --generated-with-image GENERATED_WITH_IMAGE Override the tag of the image with which the client code was generated. APIGENTOOLS_IMAGE None
-s SPEC_DIR, --spec-dir SPEC_DIR Path to directory with OpenAPI specs. APIGENTOOLS_SPEC_DIR spec
-t TEMPLATE_DIR, --template-dir TEMPLATE_DIR Path to directory with processed upstream templates. APIGENTOOLS_TEMPLATES_DIR templates
--clone-repo Whether to clone the client Github repositories before running code generation. APIGENTOOLS_PULL_REPO False

apigentools init

Initializes a new spec repo.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-g, --no-git-repo Don't initialize a git repository in the project directory.
-h, --help Show help message and exit.

apigentools push

Pushes the content of the generated directory to its target git repository. The generated directory is left in the branch that was checked out to push the code.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
--default-branch Default branch of client repo. If this branch does not exist, it is created and pushed to instead of a new feature branch APIGENTOOLS_DEFAULT_PUSH_BRANCH master
--dry-run Do a dry run (do not actualy create branches/commits or push). False
--push-commit-msg Commit message to use when pushing the generated clients. APIGENTOOLS_COMMIT_MSG Regenerate client from commit <COMMIT_ID> of spec repo
--skip-if-no-changes Skip committing/pushing for all repositories where only .apigentools-info has changed. APIGENTOOLS_SKIP_IF_NO_CHANGES False
--git-email Email of the git commit author. APIGENTOOLS_GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL None
--git-name Name of the git commit author. APIGENTOOLSGIT_AUTHOR_NAME None

Note Specifying the --git-* flags modifies the .git/config settings of each local repository that you push to to via apigentools. This does not modify the global .git/config.

apigentools split

Splits an existing one-file OpenAPI spec into multiple sections suitable for usage with apigentools. This is useful when doing a first-time batch import of an already existing spec.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE Path to the OpenAPI full spec file to split.
-s SPEC_DIR, --spec-dir SPEC_DIR Path to directory with OpenAPI specs. APIGENTOOLS_SPEC_DIR spec
-v API_VERSION, --api-version API_VERSION Version of API that the input spec describes. APIGENTOOLS_SPLIT_SPEC_VERSION v1

apigentools templates

Obtains upstream openapi-generator templates, applies template patches, and saves them to a templates directory.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Path to directory where processed upstream templates are saved. APIGENTOOLS_TEMPLATES_DIR templates
-p TEMPLATE_PATCHES_DIR, --template-patches-dir TEMPLATE_PATCHES_DIR Directory with patches for upstream templates. APIGENTOOLS_TEMPLATE_PATCHES_DIR template-patches

apigentools templates local-dir

Obtains upstream templates from a given local directory.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
Positional Argument Description Environment Variable Default
local_path Path to directory with openapi-generator upstream templates.

apigentools templates openapi-git

Obtains upstream templates from openapi-generator git repository.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
-u REPO_URL, --repo_url REPO_URL URL of the openapi-generator repo. https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
Positional Argument Description Environment Variable Default
git_committish Git 'committish' to check out before obtaining templates. master

apigentools templates openapi-jar

Obtains upstream templates from an openapi-generator JAR file.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
Positional Argument Description Environment Variable Default
jar_path Path to openapi-generator JAR file. APIGENTOOLS_OPENAPI_JAR openapi-generator.jar

apigentools test

Runs tests of generated clients.

Argument Description Environment Variable Default
--container-env [CONTAINER_ENV [CONTAINER_ENV ...]] Additional environment variables to pass to containers running the tests, for example --container-env API_KEY=123 OTHER_KEY=234. Note that apigentools contains additional logic to treat these values as sensitive and avoid logging them during runtime. (NOTE: if the testing container itself prints this value, it will be logged as part of the test output by apigentools).
-g GENERATED_CODE_DIR, --generated-code-dir GENERATED_CODE_DIR Path to directory where the generated source code is. APIGENTOOLS_GENERATED_CODE_DIR generated
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
--no-cache Build test image with --no-cache option. APIGENTOOLS_TEST_BUILD_NO_CACHE False